Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong

Sunday 2 March 2025, 18:00
St Mark's Church, Bilton

We invite you to join us for a Choral Evensong. You are very welcome to join us either in church or online for this service.

The service will be streamed live on Facebook and YouTube. 

Other services are available, maybe join us for Morning Prayer, on Facebook, Mon and Tues at 9am.

Please see our website: or Facebook page for further information.

If you would like to receive our weekly email outlining news and services at St Marks then either complete the consent form or email the office: 

(YouTube content can be found by going to and searching for St Mark's Bilton)  

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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
Church Walk
CV22 7LX
      01788 810641
