Staffing Movements

Staffing Movements

Staffing Movements

# News

Staffing Movements

Joy Sharpe

As you will already be aware, Joy Sharpe retires at the beginning of December after 9 ½ years as our Curate and then Associate Minister.  We wish her well and look forward to seeing her again around June of next year when she has had a break and has got the Bishop's Permission To Officiate.  A "thank you" to Joy has been organised for the end of the 10am service on Sunday 2nd December and all are welcome.

Glenn Lowde

We are also able to congratulate Glenn, our Reader who has been selected for Ordination training from next year.  He will have to take a bit of a back seat while he is doing his training.  We wish him all the very best for this and pray for him as the future unfolds.

Philip Street

Philip is a retired priest who moved to Bilton in May and has found his home with us at St Mark's.  We are very grateful that he has offered some of his time to us and will be an Assistant Minister in the parish with a PTO.  You will see him involved with services, once or twice a month from the middle of December.

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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
Church Walk
CV22 7LX
      01788 810641
