Baptism for older children and adults

When children are old enough to understand something of what is happening in baptism it is important that they are consulted in the decision and are involved in preparation. Here the baptism visitor will take parents and children together through some of the important aspects and symbols of the service. Then, at the baptism service children will need to answer that they wish to be baptised and will often join in with the promises alongside parents and godparents. If a child has reached their teenage years it will be necessary for them to have a more in-depth level of preparation for baptism, perhaps as a part of a course with other candidates.

Older children are usually baptised in our normal baptism services and therefore the booking system is the same, i.e. through the Parish Office.

Baptism is not just for children, though – God’s call is for all, and adults will often want to take the plunge themselves. Baptism as an adult is an important faith decision and needs careful consideration and preparation. Therefore we will usually require an adult candidate to attend a short course to reflect on some of the issues involved.

If you are an adult and are thinking of baptism please contact one of the clergy.


When we are baptized as children our parents make promises on our behalf about how they will bring us up in the Christian faith. Confirmation is the opportunity to confirm and take on these promises for ourselves and enter into the fullness of baptism.

If you’re thinking of being confirmed please contact one of the clergy, who should be able to tell you when and where the next confirmation service will take place, and details of pre-confirmation classes. These are usually run over six weeks in a small, informal group setting.

In the past confirmation used to be the point at which people were able to take Holy Communion for the first time, however this is no longer always the case.  Any adult who is baptized and who wants to experience the fullness of Christ’s saving death is welcome to receive bread and wine with us.  Children who have had Communion before Confirmation classes are also welcome to take part in communion with us.