02/07/2024 0 Comments
Live Streaming of Services from Church
Live Streaming of Services from Church
# News

Live Streaming of Services from Church
We are very pleased to announce that after a successful test we are now in a position to stream our Sunday morning services from church. This means that from now on you will be able to log in to our Facebook live page and watch from home. You can also access the Facebook stream on the homepage of this site. We had been hoping to get this set up a couple of weeks ago but sadly two pieces of equipment used in the installation proved to faulty causing delay and just a little frustration! Those who have been able to make it into church for the services have very much appreciated being back in church despite all the restrictions. Now you will be able to experience what they are from home. As time goes on we will hope to stream other services from church too - midweek Holy Communion and Morning Prayer. Keep an eye on this page and on the weekly email for details of what is happening week by week.
With every blessing