Joy's Jottings - March 2017

Joy's Jottings - March 2017

Joy's Jottings - March 2017

# Word from the Clergy

Joy's Jottings - March 2017

God Bless


Bless You! That’s often the response when someone sneezes.

The origins are lost in time, though you will find various explanations on the internet.
Whatever the origins, the brief phrase is surely a short form of prayer for the person who has the misfortune to sneeze.

Most of us say it automatically. Equally our night-time parting words of, “Night, God Bless,” to our children or to one another is common practice. And often we say,” Bless You for that,” when someone does something for us.

So we are in the habit of asking God to bless one another.

I know, too, that St. Mark’s Prayer Circle prays regularly for those for whom we have been asked to pray. Other people take home the Monthly Prayer Cycle and use it in their daily prayers.
Quite a lot of prayer for others going on then, in addition to the prayers in church.

Yet in our recent survey less than half the people taking part said that they knew that other church members prayed for them regularly.

Is that because we think that prayer for others is only needed in times of serious illness or great distress?

God is concerned with every bit of our lives, Jesus said, “Even the hairs on your head are all counted.” (Luke 12:7) and the Psalmist tells us that God is acquainted with all our ways and knows all our thoughts (Psalm 139).

In all the many aspects of our lives we are all in need of prayer. None of us is perfectly whole in body, mind and spirit and we need God’s presence with us, the healing touch of Jesus reaching out to us and the guidance of the Holy Spirit along life’s way.

In chapter 5 of the letter of James we are instructed to, “Pray for one another so that you may be healed.” (James 5:16)

Healing is not just about physical conditions. It is also about relationships, thoughts, fears, loneliness, sadness, hurts and forgiveness, in fact anything that stops us living our lives as God intends.

Body, mind and spirit are closely linked and often healing in one aspect of our lives has an amazing impact on everything else.

God knows our needs better than we do and will heal underlying problems before the ones we think we have!

That’s why it’s important to try to listen to God as well as speaking to God. In the silence we can bring ourselves to God and rely on the Holy Spirit to pray for us.

One way that many people find helpful in stilling our busy thoughts and becoming still in God’s presence is to use the ancient and very simple Jesus Prayer,

‘Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me.’

A variation that is particularly about healing is based on Bishop Simon Barrington-Ward’s book on the Jesus Prayer. It can be used to pray for oneself or for others by naming them.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God;

Let your healing flow down upon me.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God;

Let your healing spring up within me.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God;

Let your healing love enfold me.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God;

Let your healing power flow through me.

Prayer changes things. When we pray for one another it does make a difference.

Love, Prayers and Blessings,

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