Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

# News

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done...

During the ten days from Ascension Day to Pentecost many churches across the country will be holding special prayer events focussing on God's Kingdom. People are being encouraged to pray in a whole host of different ways, in churches, in groups and as families in the home.

St Mark's is taking part in this initiative too. We are going to be holding a number of short prayer events to complement our services during that period. This is what we are doing;

Thursday 25th May 7.30pm a service of Holy Communion for Ascension Day

Friday 26 May to Saturday 3rd June (excluding Sunday 28th May) at 9.15pm each evening there will be a short time of reflection and prayer. Each day we shall focus on one of the phrases of the Lord's Prayer.

Do join us for these prayer times and for the service on Ascension Day itself.

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  St Mark's Church
  St Mark's Church Centre
Church Walk
CV22 7LX
      01788 810641
