Rector's Ramblings - August 2017

Rector's Ramblings - August 2017

Rector's Ramblings - August 2017

# Word from the Clergy

Rector's Ramblings - August 2017

Rector’s Ramblings August 2017


You may have noticed a craze going around this last year or so.  You might have seen lots of people wearing thick black bands around their wrists.  They aren’t quite the latest gadget out there but they are a popular one.  I am talking about Fitness Trackers – a small electronic device which looks a bit like a watch that can monitor how much exercise you are doing.  They are a more complex version of the pedometers of a few years back. 

Fitness Trackers have become very popular – I have one myself.  You might often see or hear people who have them discussing with one another how many steps they have done so far that day – the goal being to reach the magic 10,000.  But these devices do much more than just tell you how many steps you have taken in the day.  With the aid of a smartphone or tablet computer you can not only see how many steps you have taken but also how many calories you have burned, how many minutes of exercise you have taken that day and you can log what food you have eaten and what you have drunk and set goals for losing weight or how many minutes you want to exercise.  Sound like a passing fad?  Well, perhaps but I have to say that I have found using one more useful than Gym membership or the exercise bike I bought years ago and have hardly used.

These little trackers are only really tapping into our desire to be fitter and look better, trimmer and feel healthier.  If they work, all well and good.  But people spend vast amounts of time and money on exercise and fitness which can become a little obsessive. 

All these thoughts of fitness in recent months has led me to think about another kind of fitness – our spiritual health and fitness.  What if we spent just ten percent of the time we might spend exercising on prayer and reflection?  I think we would all very much feel the benefit of doing that. 

The church has long understood that mind body and spirit are what go to make us up and that all three of these aspects need to be healthy.  To neglect any one of these aspects is to run the risk of becoming unhealthy and not be whole people.  Most of us probably spend less time working on our spiritual side, but we are trying to work on these things at St Mark’s at the moment with our continuing focus on prayer, and especially as we try to discern the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  One major help in this whole area is the new material we are going to be using in our home groups in the Autumn which is designed to help us focus on God and renew our trust in him.  Wouldn’t it be marvellous if, instead of asking one another how many steps we have done today, we might ask how long we have spent in prayer?

Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Summer


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