Communion Before Confirmation

Traditionally in the Church of England children have needed to be confirmed to take Holy Communion. However, in recent years the picture has begun to change.

Many churches, including St Mark’s, have recognised that through baptism children are already full members of Christ’s Church. As such, once they are able to understand something of the significance of the bread and wine, they should be allowed to receive them.

Communion before Confirmation classes are a four week course designed to help children understand aspects of Holy Communion before they receive the sacrament for the first time. Classes are fun, informal and creative, and a great opportunity for children, parents and leaders to learn together. Alternatively, preparation for receiving communion may sometimes be offered in Junior Church sessions during our Sunday service.

Next Classes

Classes run periodically when we have a few candidates. Preparations include bible stories, craft activities, role play, discussion and prayer. The children become more familiar with the words of the service during the sessions and have opportunity to ask questions. There is a booklet or folder and some very simple homework activities.

Confirmation is still seen as an important riteat St Mark’s, as a person takes on for themselves the promises made for them at baptism. To find out more please see our Confirmation page.